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XL Ficus retusa or 'Ginseng'Bonsai Tree

XL Ficus retusa or 'Ginseng'Bonsai Tree

Regular price $49.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $49.99 USD
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The Bonsai Fig Tree is a new way to grow one of our favourite houseplants. One of our range of Bonsai Fig plants . this beautiful small houseplant is a stunning addition to any room with its beautiful bushy growth. 

Ficus retusa . also known as the Banyan Fig or Indian Laurel . is a beautiful and popular houseplant native to Southeast Asia. It is a tropical tree often grown as a bonsai due to its ability to be pruned and shaped into unique and intricate forms.

Ficus retusa features a glossy . dark green foliage that is oval-shaped and can grow up to 3 inches long. The leaves are densely packed on the tree's branches . which develop aerial roots that grow into the soil . creating a unique and striking appearance. The tree is low-maintenance and requires only moderate watering . making it a great choice for busy plant owners.

As a houseplant . Ficus retusa is ideal for indoor growing due to its ability to thrive in low-light conditions. However . it also does well in bright . indirect light. The plant is easy to care for and can be grown in a variety of containers or as a bonsai. When grown as a bonsai . Ficus retusa can be shaped into a variety of intricate forms . including formal and informal upright styles . cascading styles . and windswept styles.

In conclusion . Ficus retusa is a unique and beautiful tree that will add interest and elegance to any indoor garden. Its ability to purify the air and thrive in low-light conditions make it an excellent choice for busy plant owners. Its ability to be pruned and shaped into intricate bonsai styles makes it a popular choice for experienced plant enthusiasts. With proper care . this beautiful plant can bring a touch of tropical elegance to any indoor space for years to come.

If you're looking to buy indoor plants online . then here at Happy Houseplants . we provide you not only with beautiful and interesting houseplants but hope we also inspire you with our style! Soak up some of the rainforests daily in your home by buying wonderful houseplants from us!

Ideal as a house plant gift - surprise someone with a pot of style! If you decide to give this lovely indoor tree as a houseplant gift . we can include a handwritten card for free with the delivery. Just add your message at the basket stage of the checkout . and we'll sort it out for you! And there won't be any giveaway paperwork . either!

It's an easy-going . versatile houseplant that needs minimal attention. It will reward you with something wonderful to look at . so it's not a difficult plant if you don't know much about caring for houseplants.

Looking to buy online houseplants? Look no further than Happy Houseplants! We sell the best houseplants for indoor plant delivery.

Care guide Chinese banyan?

It's perfect for beginners and homes with lower light levels. The easiest indoor bonsai to grow.

Where should it go?

Somewhere bright or with indirect light. A North or West facing window is ideal. How much should I water my plant?

Soil should be allowed to dry out slightly before watering but it should stay moist.

Does it need feeding?

Feed once a month during spring and summer. Why not try our vegan . organic plant food?

Is it suitable if you have pets?

Toxic to cats and dogs.

What size is the Ficus?

23cm x 60cm

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