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Begonia Mocca Deep Orange

Begonia Mocca Deep Orange

Regular price $22.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $22.99 USD
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  • Botanical Name: Begonia x tuberhybrida

  • Common Name: Mocca Deep Orange Tuberous

  • Description:  Big . double blossoms on upright . bushy plants with bronzed foliage that is slightly more heat tolerant than most tuberous begonias–that describes the Non-Stop Mocha Mix. They belong to the Tuberhybrida Group . a collection of begonia hybrids derived from mountain-growing species native to the South American Andes. Plants arise in spring from winter-dormant root tubers and flower in the full-color array . of the Non-Stop Series . from white through yellow and orange to red. These extravagant flowers are produced from summer to mid-autumn and are set among open . succulent stems across the plant. They are produced in a cluster of three buds . with two smaller female flowers next to the larger . usually double . and showier male flower. Leaves are fleshy . jagged and pointed . glossy and dark or medium green in color . many with flashes of red or bronze.
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